Why CIOs Use RealZips in Salesforce and Beyond

In the dynamic landscape of enterprise IT, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) face the daunting task of managing vast amounts of data across multiple applications. Disorganized data and fragmented systems lead to inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and missed opportunities.

One tool that is gaining traction among CIOs for its ability to automate data organization and integration is RealZips. This blog post explores CIOs’ challenges with disorganized data, the importance of metadata in harmonizing data across systems, and how RealZips can deliver significant benefits to the CIO office.

Pain Points of Disorganized Data

Data Fragmentation and Integration Challenges

One of the primary challenges CIOs face is data fragmentation. As organizations grow, they often accumulate disparate systems and applications, each with its own data repository. Integrating these systems becomes a complex and time-consuming task, usually leading to:

  • Inconsistent Data: Different systems may store variations of the same data, leading to inconsistencies that complicate data analysis and decision-making.
  • Data Silos: Isolated data silos hinder the flow of information across departments, reducing collaboration and efficiency.
  • Complex Integrations: Integrating various systems requires significant resources and expertise, and the process is prone to errors and delays.

The Need for Metadata

Metadata plays a crucial role in harmonizing data across systems. It provides a powerful organization of raw data, enabling highly effective data management and integration. Key benefits of metadata include:

  • Data Consistency: Standardized metadata ensures that data is consistently interpreted across systems.
  • Improved Data Discovery: Metadata makes locating and understanding data easier, facilitating better data utilization.
  • Enhanced Data Governance: Proper metadata management supports compliance and data governance initiatives.

Get Salesforce data ready for AI Use Cases

CIOs must prioritize preparing customer data in Salesforce for AI use cases to unlock the full potential of AI technologies and drive business value. Quality data is the foundation of effective AI, as algorithms rely on comprehensive, clean, and connected datasets to generate accurate insights and predictions. Without proper data preparation, AI initiatives may yield biased or inaccurate results, hindering decision-making and customer engagement.

Benefits of RealZips for CIOs

RealZips offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges of disorganized data by enriching Salesforce records with detailed geographic, territory, distance, and contextual market data. This delivers instant benefits to CIOs and their entire organizations.

RealZips Data Enrichment of Salesforce Records

RealZips enhances Salesforce records on a global scale with accurate territory assignment, geographic data, and contextual market data. This enrichment process unlocks several advantages:

  • Improved Data Accuracy: By adding ZIP-code-based geographic data points, RealZips helps eliminate data inaccuracies and structures records by jurisdictions such as counties.
  • Metadata Management: Organized data is easier to manage and analyze, reducing the time and effort required for data maintenance.
  • Enhanced Customer Insights: Geographic and territory assignment data enables detailed customer profiling, leading to better-targeted marketing and sales efforts.
Report in Salesforce. The RealZips geographic metadata automatically structures customers by critical dimensions such as: Territory, State, County, FEMA Region, MSA Metro, City, and Zip code.

Automated Structuring Using Geographic Data

RealZips automatically structures Salesforce records with local and relevant geographic data, simplifying data management and analysis:

  • Efficient Data Organization: Automated structuring ensures that data is consistently organized, making it easier to search, filter, and analyze.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Local geographic data enables granular reporting and analysis, providing deeper insights into regional trends and opportunities.
  • Reduced Manual Effort: Automation reduces the need for manual data entry and management, freeing up resources for more strategic tasks.
There are 88 cities and towns named Washington throughout the United States. Without RealZips geographic metadata providing a meaningful geographic context, it’s virtually impossible to effectively search and analyze city data.

Use Case: Automated Customer Ownership and Commission Calculations

RealZips Territories automates customer ownership and commission calculations, streamlining sales operations. Commission calculations can often become very complex for global enterprise teams since data reside both in Salesforce and in the ERP system. RealZips is proven to solve the challenge as follows:

  • Accurate Territory Management: Automated territory management ensures that sales territories are appropriately defined and maintained, reducing disputes and overlaps.
  • Simplified Commission Calculations: Robust customer ownership management simplifies commission calculations, ensuring sales representatives are compensated fairly.
  • Improved Sales Performance: Accurate territory and commission management can boost sales performance by providing fairness and clear incentives across overlapping sales teams.
Account record with dynamic territory assignment, critical geographic datapoints and automatic Account Teams.

Enriched Integrations with Other Apps and Tools

The RealZips app and global geographic data improve integrations with other applications, analytics tools, and master data services, enhancing overall data management:

  • Seamless Integrations: RealZips data can be easily integrated with other enterprise applications, improving data consistency and flow across systems. RealZips provides a unique key for every ZIP and postal code worldwide, which can be used in any other system for two-way data integration.
  • Enhanced Analytics: Detailed geographic data from RealZips enriches BI tools such as Tableau, providing deeper insights and more accurate analyses.
  • Streamlined Master Data Management: RealZips supports master data management initiatives by providing high-quality geographic metadata, which immediately improves data governance and compliance across all systems the CIO team manages.

Conclusion: Why CIOs leverage RealZips

Organizations depend on reliable and actionable data. CIOs must prioritize effective data management and reliable integration between different systems. RealZips offers a powerful solution to the challenges of disorganized data, providing geographic data enrichment, automated metadata, global territory management, and seamless integrations.

RealZips Territory Dashboard with interactive charts and maps. All Salesforce records are automatically organized by geographic dimensions, making Salesforce CRM data actionable across all connected systems.

By leveraging RealZips, CIOs can enhance data accuracy, improve operational efficiency, and drive better business outcomes. Embracing RealZips is a strategic move that can help organizations unlock the full potential of their Salesforce CRM and all connected systems.

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RealZips App for Global Territory Management in Salesforce

Are you planning to expand your business new markets or even globally? Or do you already have an international footprint? No matter the case, the RealZips app streamlines global territory management across you Salesforce CRM data.

When expanding your business geographically, you likely have three critical questions in mind:

  • Are we targeting the right geographic areas?
  • Do we utilize the right local resources?
  • Are we meeting with the right customers?

A data-driven global territory management app running in your Salesforce organization is a must for addressing these questions. The RealZips app is designed to enable your global sales teams to gain insights and drive success.

The RealZips GeoData Platform is one-of-a-kind Salesforce business process management software, since it’s powered by deep geographic data.

RealZips effectively organizes resources across geographical areas, encourages deep collaboration between multiple sales teams, and help your team focus marketing and sales activities in best-fit geographic areas. So, if you want to become a global leader in your industry, this geo-targeting software is a must-have for business.

RealZips Global: Transform your business with geodata insights

This RealZips Platform offers a dynamic global geodata structure that seamlessly enables enterprise territory management. International businesses with multiple branches and sales teams are seeing major challenges such as increasing local competition, and risk of internal overlaps and more. Such challenges can sometimes make survival harder in the industry because everything becomes dependent on the adaptability and alignment of internal resources with both existing and future customers. With RealZips data-driven and global sales-territory management software, you can mitigate these risks.

A 4-step approach to implementing RealZips and driving sales success

The RealZips GeoData platform primarily makes use of this 4-step approach to help you with strategic territory management:

1. Set a Global Territory Management Structure

The RealZips enterprise territory management app for Salesforce is an innovative and feature-rich tool for global enterprises. Being powered by zip codes, postal codes, partial postal codes, and deep market data, this app delivers global coverage, allowing for dynamic assignment of countries, states, cities, metropolitan areas, provinces, etc. You can plan and execute your marketing and sales efforts, based on the depth of these different geographic areas.

Over time, you can instantly add more granular postal code data all countries in the world. Click here to see learn more about  deep postal code data for France and Germany.

In the example below, the United Kingdom is dynamically divided by partial postal codes. Pay close attention to how the postal codes have different lengths. For example “E1” and “NW10” both represent a single postal code area, effectively managed by the software logic built into the RealZips app:

Global territory management in salesforce example, showing postal code-based territory management across London, UK.

2. Sales Territory Assignment

Once the geographic structure is in place, the app allows you to proceed with sales territory assignment. The well-designed sales territories, in combination with effective territory management, attract more sales and give you great market coverage. Apart from it, you can offer better services to your customers.

RealZips allows you to:

  • Assign complex team structures and overlapping territories across geographic areas.
  • Manage your channel partner territories.
  • Support growth with the inside sales team and lead assignment

The image below shows the territory for Greater London, complete with team members and a listing of postal codes with the most Accounts in:

Global territory management in Salesforce example, showing details of a territory in the Greater London, UK.

3. Align your Salesforce data automatically with Territories

RealZips Salesforce CRM data allows for real-time resource allocation and territory ownership assignment. Your existing Salesforce records will automatically be assigned to a territory.

The RealZips assignment rules, when applied to your Salesforce data becomes is very powerful. You can rest assured that leads are assigned properly, and ownership of customers is always correct. . Each team member can immediately review the team managing a geographic area, and ensure instant collaboration to support each customer.

The lead assignment rules work on the basis of company size and product interest. Therefore, leads are instantly routed to the best-fit resource. In addition, your team will enjoy the RealZips “Nearby’ and Closest’ features, as they get deeper into using the application for daily planning, marketing campaigns, and sales activities.

In the image below, you can see lead being automatically assigned to a territory:

Global territory management in Salesforce example, with automatic lead routing for a lead in Croydon, UK.

The image below shows the RealZips Nearby feature
, used to identify prospects within a selected radius:

  • Left side Lighting component: RealZips Maps provides an interactive map of Accounts in the area
  • Right side Lightning component: RealZips Nearby let’s you set a radius of e.g. 4 km and drop all records into a Salesforce Campaign

Global territory management in Salesforce

4. Measure Sales Success through Global Territory Reports

Sales metrics play an important role in measuring sales performance and analyzing the success rate of the business. The RealZips GeoData Global territory management software output the global data analytics that help you to easily measure global sales across different marketing channels and campaigns, lead generation, opportunity pipeline, and revenue growth.

The image below accentuates the performance across sales territories the United Kingdom. It enables the company to quickly allocate resources for optimal growth across any market as well as sales territory:


Discover new opportunities with RealZips GeoData Global Territory Management in your Salesforce

The RealZips GeoData app can help you easily identify new opportunities in the international market and take your company to the next level.

This fully Salesforce-native app has extensive enterprise territory management features and lead assignment rules that help you easily automate business processes, manage global territories for channel partners and internal teams, and analyze sales performance. It further allows you to make better decisions and drive business growth.

To learn more and request a demo, please visit

Why international companies need global territory management

International companies with many sales teams face incredible challenges while trying to earn and retain each customer’s business. As your company’s sales teams grow geographically, the risk for internal overlaps and local competition increase. With RealZips global territory management you will mitigate that risk.

Your organization’s survival depends on its ability to adapt and align internal resources with its current and future customers. These are questions every company looking into geographic expansion – or defending its existing markets – must answer:

  • Are we focusing on the right geographic areas?
  • Are we utilizing the right local resources?
  • Are we meeting with the right customers?

Any company planning to grow or maintain their market share must put a single framework for global territory management in place, allowing their teams to drive sales success by:

  • Allocating resources across geographical areas.
  • Driving deep collaboration between multiple sales teams.
  • Focusing activities in areas with many current and future customers.


Drive global sales success in four steps

1. Set a global geographic structure
We built the RealZips app for powerful territory management around the world. The RealZips app adds geographic metadata, powered by zip codes, postal codes, partial postal codes, plus market data. Your different markets can have varying depths of geographic data to match your marketing and sales efforts.

The RealZips app now delivers global coverage, allowing for dynamic assignment of countries, provinces, states, metropolitan areas, cities, postal codes, etc. In the example below, Japan is divided by our 3-digit postal code level:


2. Assign sales territories

With the geographic structure in place, overlapping territories and complex team structures can effectively be assigned across geographic areas. Future territories can be set up to be deployed at a later date. Channel partner territories can be managed alongside with own channels. Lead assignment and inside sales teams can instantly be assigned to support growth as needed.

The image below shows the territory for Tokyo, complete with the current team members and resources:


3. Align CRM data with territories

Existing records in your Salesforce are automatically assigned to a territory, making it possible to assign ownership and allocating resources in real time.

When territories change and team members are reassigned, ownership of leads, accounts, and opportunities can be made in a matter of minutes. Each team member can immediately reference the team covering the geographic area making instant collaboration around each customer possible.

Leads are instantly routed to the best fit resource based on product interest and company size. In the screenshot below, an incoming lead has been automatically assigned to a territory:


4. Measure sales success

With a powerful geographic geographic structure and territory management solution in Salesforce, companies can now measure global sales across marketing campaigns, lead generation, opportunity pipeline, and revenue growth.

The image below shows performance across sales territories in Japan, sorted by sales to quota. This allows the company to instantly allocate resources for optimal growth across any market and sales territory:


This report is built in the powerful Salesforce Lightning interface, showing 145 sales territories across the world. The report is dynamically updated daily, showing sales progress versus sales quota:


Quick recap

The RealZips app for Salesforce provides a global geographic structure for your team’s customer data. The geographic data makes it possible to plan, deploy, and manage sales territory success.

RealZips is 100% native in your Salesforce. Existing territory management (such as Enterprise Territory Management) can be leveraged in RealZips, along with your existing lead assignment rules.

Business processes can be vastly improved. The RealZips app is used by organizations to drive lead assignment, team collaboration, sales channel management, customer ownership alignment, sales quota, sales analytics, and pinpoint future growth opportunities.

The RealZips app is proven to deliver a rapid return on investment.