Why RealZips GeoData is Vital for Salesforce Einstein Copilot

Organizations using Salesforce can elevate their Einstein Copilot Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects by adding RealZips GeoData.

Here’s how the RealZips GeoData app substantially boosts the Salesforce Einstein Copilot capabilities.

How does it work?

RealZips enhances Salesforce Einstein Copilot’s AI capabilities by integrating verified, contextual datasets that ground AI results.

By incorporating RealZips’ comprehensive geographic and contextual metadata, Einstein Copilot receives detailed and verified information on your organization’s territory assignments, local resources, channel partners, and competitive locations down to the ZIP code level, including travel distances. This enables Einstein Copilot to generate precise, relevant content, summaries, and recommendations tailored to specific local conditions.

Here’s how your organization can leverage RealZips to automatically feed Einstein Copilot with relevant information:

1. Enhanced Data Enrichment & Accuracy

  • Geographic Precision: RealZips offers detailed geographic data, including jurisdictions, risk assessments, and territory information. This automatic enrichment of customer records is crucial for effectively training Einstein Copilot models.
  • Comprehensive Data: RealZips GeoData includes detailed information on regions, counties, demographics, socioeconomic factors, and economic metrics, providing virtually unlimited datasets from which AI models can learn.

2. Improved Personalization & Targeting

  • Customized Recommendations: Einstein Copilot can leverage RealZips to deliver recommendations based on geographic and demographic insights, offering customers more personalized and relevant suggestions.
  • Segmented Outreach: By combining geographic data with aggregated sales information, Einstein Copilot can help craft highly targeted marketing and sales campaigns, boosting engagement and conversion rates.

3. Enhanced Predictive Analytics

  • Accurate Predictions: RealZips enhances Einstein Copilot’s ability to predict customer behaviors through geographic data. For example, understanding if consumers within a 10-mile radius of stores are more likely to make in-person purchases.
  • Trend Analysis: With geographic trend data, Einstein Copilot can identify and capitalize on regional patterns, such as whether homeowners are more inclined to switch insurers in areas with rising home insurance costs.

4. Operational Efficiency

  • Optimized Logistics: Distance data automatically generated in RealZips can streamline routing and reduce costs for sales, logistics, or field services. Einstein Copilot uses these insights to ensure efficient operations.
  • Resource Allocation: RealZips helps solve large-scale logistics challenges by providing automated distance zones for effective planning and resource allocation.

5. Enhanced Customer Insights & Engagement

  • Deep Insights: RealZips GeoData offers detailed customer demographics and regional preferences. Einstein Copilot can use this data to derive valuable insights and make informed suggestions.
  • Targeted Engagement: Geographic data allows Einstein Copilot to design engagement strategies tailored to specific regions, such as targeting customers in areas where a product is legally sold or where incentives are available.

6. Risk Management & Compliance

  • Risk Assessment: RealZips aids in assessing risks related to natural disasters, crime rates, and other regional factors. Einstein Copilot can analyze these risks and suggest mitigation strategies.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Einstein Copilot seamlessly accesses regulatory data from RealZips to ensure compliance with regional regulations and standards, reducing legal and operational risks.


Integrating RealZips GeoData into Salesforce Einstein Copilot provides a rich geographic, territory, distance, and demographic context that significantly enhances the AI’s capabilities.

Your organization can greatly benefit from improved personalization, compliance, predictive accuracy, operational efficiency, and strategic planning. The RealZips GeoData ensures the AI model will generate trusted results.

RealZips GeoData makes it possible for Einstein Copilot to leverage the full potential of geographic information, driving innovation and delivering a competitive edge.

Next Actions

The RealZips team is your trusted partner in navigating the AI landscape. These are the steps we believe your team should consider:

  • Define AI Objectives and Use Cases: Clearly outline your organization’s goals for AI and identify specific use cases where AI can add the most value.
  • Evaluate Data Quality and Sources: Review existing data sources to ensure they are comprehensive and suitable for feeding into Einstein Copilot. Identify missing data, need for metadata, and data quality issues.
  • Test AI Capabilities and Risks: Conduct initial tests of AI to understand its capabilities and potential risks associated with generating content.
  • Consult with the RealZips Team: Schedule a meeting with the RealZips team to discuss your data requirements and how they align with your upcoming AI projects.
  • Run RealZips Free Trial: Install the free trial of RealZips in conjunction with Einstein Copilot in your Salesforce Sandbox and assess the results to determine effectiveness.


Why CIOs Use RealZips in Salesforce and Beyond


In the dynamic landscape of enterprise IT, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) face the daunting task of managing vast amounts of data across multiple applications. Disorganized data and fragmented systems lead to inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and missed opportunities.

One tool that is gaining traction among CIOs for its ability to automate data organization and integration is RealZips. This blog post explores CIOs’ challenges with disorganized data, the importance of metadata in harmonizing data across systems, and how RealZips can deliver significant benefits to the CIO office.

The Pain Points of Disorganized Data

Data Fragmentation and Integration Challenges

One of the primary challenges CIOs face is data fragmentation. As organizations grow, they often accumulate disparate systems and applications, each with its own data repository. Integrating these systems becomes a complex and time-consuming task, usually leading to:

  • Inconsistent Data: Different systems may store variations of the same data, leading to inconsistencies that complicate data analysis and decision-making.
  • Data Silos: Isolated data silos hinder the flow of information across departments, reducing collaboration and efficiency.
  • Complex Integrations: Integrating various systems requires significant resources and expertise, and the process is prone to errors and delays.

Rapid Data Deterioration

Enterprise data deteriorates quickly if not properly managed. Inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete data can lead to poor business decisions and reduced operational efficiency. Common issues include:

  • Data Duplication: Multiple records for the same entity can cause confusion and inefficiency.
  • Outdated Information: Without regular updates, data quickly become obsolete, leading to inaccurate analyses and forecasts.
  • Lack of Data Quality Controls: Inconsistent data entry practices and lack of standardization can degrade data quality over time.

The Need for Metadata

Metadata plays a crucial role in harmonizing data across systems. It provides a powerful organization of raw data, enabling highly effective data management and integration. Key benefits of metadata include:

  • Data Consistency: Standardized metadata ensures that data is consistently interpreted across systems.
  • Improved Data Discovery: Metadata makes locating and understanding data easier, facilitating better data utilization.
  • Enhanced Data Governance: Proper metadata management supports compliance and data governance initiatives.

Benefits of RealZips for CIOs

RealZips offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges of disorganized data. By enriching Salesforce records with detailed geographic data and automating workflows, RealZips delivers instant benefits to CIOs and their entire organizations.

RealZips Data Enrichment of Salesforce Records

RealZips enhances Salesforce records on a global scale with accurate territory assignment, geographic data, and contextual market data. This enrichment process unlocks several advantages:

  • Improved Data Accuracy: By adding ZIP-code-based geographic data points, RealZips helps eliminate data inaccuracies and structures records by jurisdictions such as counties.
  • Metadata Management: Organized data is easier to manage and analyze, reducing the time and effort required for data maintenance.
  • Enhanced Customer Insights: Geographic and territory assignment data enables detailed customer profiling, leading to better-targeted marketing and sales efforts.
Report in Salesforce. The RealZips geographic metadata automatically structures customers by critical dimensions such as: Territory, State, County, FEMA Region, MSA Metro, City, and Zip code.

Automated Structuring Using Geographic Data

RealZips automatically structures Salesforce records with local and relevant geographic data, simplifying data management and analysis:

  • Efficient Data Organization: Automated structuring ensures that data is consistently organized, making it easier to search, filter, and analyze.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Local geographic data enables granular reporting and analysis, providing deeper insights into regional trends and opportunities.
  • Reduced Manual Effort: Automation reduces the need for manual data entry and management, freeing up resources for more strategic tasks.
There are 88 cities and towns named Washington throughout the United States. Without RealZips geographic metadata providing a meaningful geographic context, it’s virtually impossible to effectively search and analyze city data.

Use Case: Automated Customer Ownership and Commission Calculations

RealZips Territories automates customer ownership and commission calculations, streamlining sales operations. Commission calculations can often become very complex for global enterprise teams since data reside both in Salesforce and in the ERP system. RealZips is proven to solve the challenge as follows:

  • Accurate Territory Management: Automated territory management ensures that sales territories are appropriately defined and maintained, reducing disputes and overlaps.
  • Simplified Commission Calculations: Robust customer ownership management simplifies commission calculations, ensuring sales representatives are compensated fairly.
  • Improved Sales Performance: Accurate territory and commission management can boost sales performance by providing fairness and clear incentives across overlapping sales teams.
Account record with dynamic territory assignment, critical geographic datapoints and automatic Account Teams.

Enriched Integrations with Other Apps and Tools

The RealZips app and global geographic data improve integrations with other applications, analytics tools, and master data services, enhancing overall data management:

  • Seamless Integrations: RealZips data can be easily integrated with other enterprise applications, improving data consistency and flow across systems. RealZips provides a unique key for every ZIP and postal code worldwide, which can be used in any other system for two-way data integration.
  • Enhanced Analytics: Detailed geographic data from RealZips enriches BI tools such as Tableau, providing deeper insights and more accurate analyses.
  • Streamlined Master Data Management: RealZips supports master data management initiatives by providing high-quality geographic metadata, which immediately improves data governance and compliance across all systems the CIO team manages.

Conclusion: Why CIOs leverage RealZips

Organizations depend on reliable and actionable data. CIOs must prioritize effective data management and reliable integration between different systems. RealZips offers a powerful solution to the challenges of disorganized data, providing geographic data enrichment, automated metadata, global territory management, and seamless integrations.

RealZips Territory Dashboard with interactive charts and maps. All records in Salesforce are automatically organized by geographic dimensions, making Salesforce CRM data actionable across all connected systems.

By leveraging RealZips, CIOs can enhance data accuracy, improve operational efficiency, and drive better business outcomes. Embracing RealZips is a strategic move that can help organizations unlock the full potential of their Salesforce CRM and all connected systems.

How Salesforce Product Owners Benefit from RealZips

Salesforce Product Owners are critical in managing and optimizing Salesforce applications to meet business goals and user needs. As the bridge between business stakeholders and the technical team, they ensure that Salesforce delivers maximum value.

One powerful tool that can enhance their efforts is the Salesforce native app RealZips, which adds deep geographic and market data into the CRM platform. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Salesforce Product Owners benefit from adding RealZips to their CRM strategy, highlighting use cases and the ways in which geographic and market data improve the user experience.

Understanding RealZips for Salesforce

RealZips for Salesforce is an application that provides detailed geographic and market data, enabling businesses to segment their customer base and market more effectively. It includes comprehensive information on ZIP codes, global postal codes, demographics, market potential, and more. By automatically integrating this data into Salesforce, Product Owners can leverage precise, actionable insights and deliver enterprise-scale automation to drive their CRM strategy.

Benefits of RealZips for Salesforce Product Owners

  1. Enhanced Data Segmentation and Targeting
  2. Improved Market Penetration and Expansion
  3. Optimized Sales and Marketing Efforts
  4. Better Customer Insights and Personalization
  5. Streamlined Reporting and Analytics
  6. Grounded Use of Salesforce Einstein Copilot
  7. Increased User Adoption and Satisfaction

Use Cases for RealZips in Salesforce

1. Enhanced Customer Segmentation and Targeting

Example: A franchise company wants to target specific customer segments for a new product launch.

By implementing RealZips, the Product Owner makes it possible to segment customers based on geographic characteristics and demographic data, identifying high-potential ZIP codes where the new product is likely to be well-received. This precise targeting enables more effective marketing campaigns and higher conversion rates.


  • Improved Precision: Segment customers based on location, distance to stores, income levels, and demographic factors.
  • Effective Campaigns: Tailor marketing messages to resonate with each local customer segment.

2. Improved Market Penetration and Expansion

Example: A healthcare organization wants to expand its services to new regions.

With RealZips, the Product Owner enables users to pinpoint market potential in different areas, identifying underserved regions with high demand for healthcare services. Deep data from the American Community Survey is used to understand access to healthcare by ZIP code. This data-driven approach helps make informed decisions about where to expand, optimize resource allocation, and maximize patient care.


  • Data-Driven Decisions: Identify regions with high market potential and low competition.
  • Strategic Expansion: Optimize resources for expansion efforts, using, e.g., distance to healthcare locations.

3. Optimized Marketing and Sales Efforts

Example: A financial services firm aims to boost its sales in competitive markets.

RealZips enables the Product Owner to provide the sales team with detailed market insights, such as income levels from the IRS, detailed population data from the Census Bureau, and competitor presence in each ZIP code. This information enables sales representatives to tailor their pitches and prioritize high-potential leads.


  • Informed Sales Strategies: Equip sales teams with detailed geographic and demographic data.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Focus efforts on geographic hotspots with many high-potential leads.

4. Better Customer Insights and Personalization

Example: A non-profit organization seeks to improve donor engagement.

By integrating RealZips data, the Product Owner can deliver deeper insights into donor demographics and local preferences. This lets the organization personalize communication and engagement strategies, increasing donor giving and retention.


  • Enhanced Personalization: Understand customer demographics and preferences.
  • Improved Engagement: Tailor communication to meet customer needs. Run campaigns based on distance to events.

5. Streamlined Reporting and Analytics

Example: A manufacturing company needs to track the performance of its regional sales teams and focus on closing more opportunities.

RealZips provides detailed geographic and firmographic data that can be integrated into Salesforce reports and dashboards.

The Product Owner can create visualizations highlighting regional performance, helping management identify trends, make data-driven decisions, and visualize open opportunities.


  • Comprehensive Reporting: Integrate geographic data, delivery points, and market data into Salesforce reports and RealZips Maps.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Use visualizations to identify trends and insights. Use distance analytics for optimizing logistics.

6. Grounded Use of Salesforce Einstein Copilot

Example: A retail company wants to leverage AI for personalized customer interactions.

By integrating RealZips and deep metadata, the Salesforce Product Owner can provide the Salesforce Einstein Copilot with accurate and localized geographic conditions and demographic data. This ensures that the AI models are guided to create reliable and relevant data, leading to accurate predictions and personalized customer recommendations. RealZips verified data makes it possible to segment customers based on location, distance to outlets, income, and market potential, enhancing the effectiveness of AI-driven initiatives.


  • Accurate Predictions: Ensure AI models are trained on verified and reliable data available in RealZips.
  • Enhanced Personalization: Use geographic and demographic data for more personalized customer interactions.

7. Increased User Adoption and Satisfaction

Example: A technology firm wants to enhance its Salesforce user experience.

By incorporating RealZips data, the Product Owner can provide users with valuable insights that make their jobs easier. Sales and marketing teams can dynamically (based on the customer record they happen to view) access detailed territory and market data directly within Salesforce, reducing the need for external tools and increasing overall satisfaction and adoption.


  • Enhanced User Experience: Provide accurate territory team and market insights on each record in Salesforce.
  • Higher Adoption Rates: Reduce reliance on external tools by providing automated territory and market data inside Salesforce.

Geographic Data Improves Salesforce User Experience

Precise Targeting

Geographic data allows Product Owners to segment customer data in Salesforce automatically. This ensures that marketing and sales efforts are directed towards the right prospects and customers, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Informed Decision-Making

With access to detailed geographic and market data, Product Owners can enable Salesforce Users to make informed decisions about where to focus their efforts. This data-driven approach minimizes risks and maximizes returns.

Enhanced Personalization

Geographic and contextual market data provide insights into customer preferences and behavior. Product owners can now empower marketing teams to personalize communication and engagement strategies, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Streamlined Operations

Integrating territory and geographic data into Salesforce streamlines operations by providing users with all the information they need in one place. This reduces the need for external tools and improves efficiency. The robust ownership automation of leads, prospects, and customers drives trust across Salesforce Users.


Salesforce Product Owners are pivotal in ensuring that Salesforce delivers maximum value to the organization. By integrating RealZips for Salesforce, they can leverage detailed territory, geographic, and market data to enhance their CRM strategy. RealZips allows them to optimize sales and marketing efforts, enhance user experience, and ultimately achieve their business goals more effectively.

Implementing RealZips for Salesforce is a strategic move that equips Product Owners with the tools to drive their CRM strategy forward. Whether it’s targeting specific customer segments, expanding into new markets, or optimizing sales efforts, RealZips provides the insights needed to succeed in a competitive landscape.

Salesforce product owners can use RealZips to enhance their CRM strategy by leveraging the benefits and use cases outlined in this post.


Why add Geographic Metadata to Salesforce?

What is Geographical Metadata?

Geographic metadata refers to the detailed geographic information associated with Salesforce records, such as leads, accounts, and opportunities. This metadata provides context about these records’ location and distance relationships, enabling your team to optimize activities and automate Salesforce workflows.

Why is Geographic Metadata critical?

By incorporating geographic metadata, you will immediately remove a number of pain points and automate numerous workflows. At the same time, you will enrich and organize your Salesforce data to be used by Einstein Copilot AI. Implementing geographical metadata today will immediately drive better business outcomes for your entire team.

Do you need data enrichment?

Not having geographic metadata in Salesforce today creates significant inefficiencies. Sales teams struggle with ineffective territory management, leading to missed opportunities and unbalanced workloads. 

Without geographic metadata, marketing teams have difficulty targeting regional audiences, leading to less effective and costly campaigns. Customer service teams struggle to provide support because they cannot optimize operations based on proximity. The lack of geographic insights hinders strategic decision-making, leading to suboptimal resource allocation and planning. 

Missing geographic metadata impedes overall efficiency and effectiveness across all Salesforce-related workflows.

Geographic Data Structure and AI

Verified RealZips geographic data displayed on records in Salesforce.

Access to verified geographic metadata in Salesforce becomes critical when introducing generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Geographic metadata enhances the capabilities of generative AI thanks to contextual, location-based information that guarantees more precise, relevant, and actionable insights. 

Here are the most common reasons why geographic metadata is critical when it comes to putting AI to work for your team:

1. Personalized Customer Interactions

  • Tailored Content Generation: Generative AI can use geographic metadata to create personalized messages, offers, and content tailored to customers’ preferences in different regions.
  • Localized Language and Tone: AI can adapt the language, tone, and cultural references in communications to align with regional nuances while improving engagement.

2. Optimized Sales and Marketing Strategies

  • Targeted Campaigns: AI can be used to design marketing campaigns that target specific geographic regions based on local trends, demographics, and consumer behaviors.
  • Predictive Analysis: Geographic data can enhance AI-driven predictive models, allowing them to forecast sales trends and market demand by regions.

3. Faster Decision-Making

  • Data-Driven Insights: AI algorithms can analyze geographic metadata to identify patterns, providing decision-making insights.
  • Regional Performance Analysis: Your team can use AI to compare the performance of different regions, allocating resources effectively and uncover areas for growth.

4. Improved Customer Service

  • Efficient Field Service Management: AI can help optimize the deployment of field service teams by using geographic distance and metadata, ensuring timely responses and service delivery.
  • Incident Response: AI can use location data to predict and preemptively address future service issues based on regional incident patterns.

5. Advanced Reporting and Analytics

  • Geospatial Analytics: Geographic metadata allows AI to generate sophisticated geospatial analytics, such as heat maps and geocoded reports, providing deeper insights into regional performance.
  • Contextual Analysis: AI can tap into deep contextual geographic data, leading to a better understanding of business challenges and opportunities

6. Enhanced Territory Management

  • Dynamic Territory Adjustment: AI can be used to adjust sales territories based on geographic data and Salesforce metrics, ensuring balanced workloads and optimal coverage.
  • Proximity-Based Assignment: AI can automate the assignment of leads, accounts and opportunities to sales reps and locations based on distance, improving efficiency and conversion rates.

7. Automated Customer Segmentation

  • Granular Segmentation: Geographic metadata enables AI to segment customers more granularly, allowing highly targeted marketing and sales efforts.
  • Location-Based Recommendations: AI can provide location-based product or service recommendations, increasing relevance and likelihood of purchase.

Get started with RealZips GeoData

RealZips Maps Lightning Component with geographic data enrichment.

RealZips is a powerful app that automatically enriches your Salesforce records with deep geographic metadata.

RealZips can be implemented in a matter of days, instantly providing detailed geographic data and process automation.

Thanks to the rich geographic metadata in RealZips, generative AI can significantly enhance Salesforce workflows. This integration allows for localized content generation and customized offers, optimizing sales territory management, lead routing, and assigning team members and channel partners. It also enables highly targeted marketing campaigns and efficient event planning. 

Finally, enhanced customer segmentation and location-based recommendations drive precise and effective marketing and sales strategies. RealZips geographic metadata grounds generative AI in Salesforce, driving better business outcomes and higher efficiency.

Next Steps

Ground Einstein Copilot with data

Can AI become a trusted solution?

Sales and marketing teams need to connect with customers on a more individual level. But how can they possibly overcome this challenge without great cost and loss of time?

To overcome the problem, cutting-edge teams are finding ways to ground Salesforce Einstein Copilot with data. This technology opens up doors for summarizing customer records, generating email messages and automating workflows.

Marc Benioff, Chair & CEO of Salesforce, warns that AI models are “very confident liars, producing misinformation and hallucinations”. Benioff suggested during a recent earnings call that “There’s a danger for companies, for enterprises, for our customers, that these are not trusted solutions”. Benioff made the point that generative AI requires a huge dataset, including metadata so the AI technology can understand and deliver critical insights and intelligence that customers need.

This blog post outlines how to effectively ground the Salesforce Einstein Copilot with deep datasets and metadata. We will show you how to empower your team with trusted AI results to be used across marketing and sales. But first, let’s discuss the need for data.

ground Einstein Copilot with DataHow to ground Salesforce Einstein Copilot with data

For Generative Artificial Intelligence to work, customer data must be grounded by datasets and metadata so AI models can generate trusted results.

Generative AI is only as powerful as the data you have access to in Salesforce. Creating useful email messages for new Leads with limited data is almost impossible. You must have access to a lot of data – deeply grounded datasets with metadata – before making attempts to use AI for marketing and sales.

Using Generative AI with limited and incorrect data will cause what’s called AI hallucinations. This is simply responses containing false and misleading information. Needless to say, this can lead to catastrophic results when it comes to customers trust in your brand.

This is where the RealZips GeoData Platform comes in. RealZips provides endless sources of verified and trusted data points for each Zip code. Every customer record in Salesforce is connected to RealZips, unlocking access to deeply grounded data.

Have a look at Zip code US-33178 in Miami (screenshot). As soon as you start feeding the Salesforce Einstein Copilot with these datapoints, your team can produce meaningful AI results.

The Salesforce Einstein Copilot becomes grounded with deep data from RealZips. The AI technology is fed with critical geographic data points, territory teams, and meaningful statistics.

The AI technology can now tap into demographic data, business performance, risk profiles, local incentives and even laws and regulations. Copilot can easily be taught to reference the closest sales rep, brand store or service location by distance.

Generate a Lead Summary

Let’s say your team is selling hurricane protection for windows and doors. The Lead record below just came in from a web form. The Lead is automatically linked to Zip code US-33178 (shown above) so the Salesforce Copilot can now intelligently merge data from different sources.

By combining datapoints from the Lead and the RealZips record, the “ReaZips Lead Summary” (below) was automatically generated by Einstein Copilot in just seconds.

Your sales team is given an instant summary, making it possible to approach Scarlett with meaningful selling points. Notice how the AI technology generates highly valuable pointers based on local hurricane risk and crime composite. The closest location where Scarlett can visit for a product demo is automatically included:

Send personalized email to Leads

Thanks to the ReaZips Lead Summary generated above, your sales team now has a solid understanding for which hurricane protection products will be suitable for Scarlett.

It’s time to make the first reach-out. Let’s start with an introductory email to get the conversation going. This is how Einstein Copilot generates a completely custom email message in just seconds based on trusted RealZips data:

Focus on customer experience

Email messages can now be generated based on reliable data for each Lead, their specific location and your own territory team. When you ground Salesforce Einstein Copilot with RealZips data your team will save large amounts of time by eliminating tedious research and endless email write-ups. Empowered with meaningful AI data – your sales team can build meaningful connections a large number of Leads – guiding them throughout the buying experience.

AI-enabled workflows

Your own customer data in Salesforce is the perfect starting point for introducing AI into your teams workflows. You can build automated processes such as ownership assignments, and appoint internal specialists to new customers. Copilot can be used to assign the closest available service rep to a new Case. As soon as you combine Copilot and RealZips, you’re opening up unlimited possibilities for your team to save time and serve customers even better. The video below even shows how it’s possible to create automated action plans for Opportunities.

Video demo –  Generate AI Actions

Video demo showing in real-time how to use AI to summarize customer records and propose action plans. Scrub through the chapters and learn how to use AI for summarizing Lead records, create actions for thousands of Cases, and how to generate action plans for all Opportunities:


Learn more about Artificial Intelligence

The RealZips solution can be implemented now.  You can deliver successful AI outcomes immediately. Start solving endless use cases, tapping into deep RealZips datasets. These are key articles to help start your AI projects:

Salesforce Press Release

Salesforce Blog Posts & News

RealZips Posts

Improve your customer data in Salesforce with RealZips

Why should you consider the RealZips app for Salesforce?

The RealZips GeoData Platform structures and organizes your customer data in Salesforce automatically, empowering your team to connect faster with the right customers in the right places.

Problem: Deterioration of customer data

Organizations are rapidly adding large amounts of customer data to Salesforce. As more data is added, the ability to search and report on customer data deteriorates. 

Your customer data is becoming more and more disorganized over time, severely limiting your teams’ ability to run targeted marketing campaigns and focused sales activities. When consistent and structured geographic data is missing across records, your team can no longer use customer data efficiently.

Solution: Organize customer data geographically

The RealZips app provides a mission-critical geographic data structure for your customer data in Salesforce. Every record in Salesforce is automatically related to zip code or international postal code. Each zip code holds a wealth of deep geographic information, which automatically organizes and improves your entire customer database.

Your team will be able to instantly search and report across customers and territories, using endless geographical dimensions such as cities, counties, MSA Metros. Deep contextual data for each Zip code will guide your teams activities to the best possible geographic markets.

Tap into local market conditions with deep data

RealZips provides unlimited contextual market data, related to consumers, businesses, business risk, and other local conditions. You can automatically rank every Zip code based on market potential, and compare against your current sales performance.

Jurisdictions such as states, counties and cities often have a great impact on your ability to market and sell. Once you implement RealZips, your team can automatically categorize prospects based on state-based incentives, local laws and regulations, consumer and political preferences, climate conditions, crime risk and much more.

Implement distance zones for marketing, sales & support

Logistics is a key factor in your team’s ability to succeed, even if your team is working 100% remotely. For example, if a prospect is closer to a competitive location, your team is at an immediate disadvantage.

The RealZips app allows you to automatically organize all records in Salesforce by distance to your own locations and competitive outlets. Every customer record will be given a score based on competitive risk and serviceability. In turn, your team can now optimize marketing, sales and support activities based on distance zones.

Unlock Success: Data-driven territory management in Salesforce

A critical key to success for any organization is territory management; automatically assigning prospects and customers to territories and best-fit team members. Creating territories is a data-driven process, requiring robust geographic data, deep market data and your own sales data.

The RealZips app enables your team to use deep data for each zip code while creating and updating territories. Each Zip code can now be treated as a micro-market, comparing market potential against sales results.

Distance calculations are used to automatically predict your teams ability to serve customers in the Zip code. Every Zip code can be served by multiple territories, efficiently managed by the RealZips app.

Which organizations benefit from RealZips?

Organizations with many records in Salesforce will enjoy instant business value from RealZips. If your Salesforce database is burdened with legacy automation (old workflows, process builders, custom APEX) you will rapidly benefit from RealZips, using out-of-box RealZips automation.

RealZips GeoData is proven to empower organizations across all industries, ranging from non-profits to the financial industry. The more data you are managing in Salesforce, the faster you will achieve business value from RealZips.

Organizations that must focus on geographic areas with the highest sales potential (not having an unlimited marketing and sales budget) are very likely to get in touch with more prospects and close more opportunities shortly after implementing RealZips.

Answer these 8 questions and learn if you need RealZips

If you are getting more than three “Yes” responses, you and your team will benefit from adding RealZips GeoData to your Salesforce customer data:

  1. Is your Salesforce customer data missing geographic data points?
  2. Does every customer have critical territory team assignments, and distance to closest team member?
  3. Can you drill-down into customer data across regions, territories, state, counties and MSA metros, and cities?
  4. Is lead routing already an issue, with hard-to-manage rules and overlapping automation?
  5. Are you running out of Salesforce Enterprise Management Hierarchies and Territory Assignment Filters?
  6. Does your Salesforce Org have complex automation for sharing rules, ownership rules and territories?
  7. Does your marketing team struggle to run campaigns by metropolitan areas and travel distance to venues?
  8. Does the sales team miss data on where to focus their sales activities, based on local market potential?

How soon should I expect results from RealZips?

The RealZips app can be up and running rapidly. Oftentimes the customer data can be automatically structured into geographic areas and territories on the first day for implementation.

Depending on your Salesforce ORG’s complexity, the RealZips time to value usually varies between immediate value and up to a few weeks to be fully implemented.

What will the RealZips team bring to the table?

Consider the RealZips team your trusted partner in unlocking your team’s sales success. We have 30+ years of experience from global CRM implementations, across most industries.

Prepare your Salesforce data for the AI revolution

You’re ahead of the AI game

Teams using Salesforce have a tremendous advantage when it comes to rolling out Artificial Intelligence capabilities. Salesforce is quickly adding AI features on top of your existing customer data allowing you to rapidly unlock potential cost savings and revenue gains.

RealZips delivers shortcuts to getting value from AI,
eliminating the need to run data cleanup projects.

Tap into Artificial Intelligence

AI technology is rapidly becoming available and 84% of leaders agree that generative AI will serve their customers better. A whopping 92% of large businesses that already have invested in AI are seeing returns.

Make sure to start testing existing AI capabilities in Salesforce already today, learning how to make predictive analytics. Keep a close eye on what’s gradually becoming available in the promising generative AI space right inside your Salesforce organization.

The data problem

Bad data quality and missing data are major hurdles for most organizations as they start tapping into AI opportunities. The premise of the new AI technology is however limited by the quality of your own data in Salesforce. 

Hard way: Scrub your Salesforce data

There are few shortcuts to improving your data, while preparing for AI-driven workflows. Here are a few common approaches for getting your data in shape:


  • Update Account records with address, industry and key data points.
  • Update Contact records with address, title and valid email.
  • Look into services that test if contact email addresses are active. 
  • Harmonize and standardize picklists where possible.
  • Implement methods for record deduplication.
  • Identify old open Opportunities and start cleaning up.

Once you start digging into customer data that’s been added over time, chances are that even a small data scrub project will take a lot of time and effort.

Keep in mind you probably have apps connected to Salesforce that use existing datapoints. Your Salesforce automation is very likely to use ‘bad data’ which makes data cleanup harder.

Easy way: Add RealZips GeoData

The RealZips app creates an automatic relationship between a Salesforce record and endless datapoints on the related zip code record. Instantly, you’ll have access to datapoints from the zip code, such as city, county, state, territory, and much more. Data you can add is actually endless. Have a look at the  thousands of datasets available in our online store: RealDatasets.com

RealZips gives you immediate shortcuts for tapping into AI, since the RealZips app automatically augments existing data by adding contextual data to your records. For example you can geofence all customers by county, and prepare for AI predictive analytics by county!

Account record automatically augmented with RealZips Territory team and RealZips geographic datapoints.

Don’t break integrations, searches, reports & dashboards

The RealZips app does not need to change any existing data, making the implementation of RealZips completely risk free. RealZips is simply bypassing all the problems associated with updating existing data fields to new values.

Most of us have seen data update projects break app integrations, mess up searches, render list views useless, distort function formula calculations, not to mention making critical reports and dashboards useless. RealZips makes it possible avoid these issues simply by delivering a data augmentation solution.

Add automatic contextual data

Contextual geographic data unlocks tremendous possibilities, that your team will be using every day across marketing, sales and customer support.

Think about contextual data as an automated process that provides critical market conditions for each record in Salesforce. Contextual data makes it possible to focus marketing and sales in geographic areas where your team is most likely to deliver success for your customers. 

Examples of contextual data from RealZips, used to improve all records in Salesforce:

  • Local incentives that will help your team sell a product or service.
  • Local laws and regulations that may promote (or block) the sale of your product.
  • Automatic geofencing by for example county, organizing customers by local jurisdictions.
  • Travel distance between sales team members and prospective customers.
  • Distance between open opportunities and your own service locations.
  • Distance between existing customers and your competitions’ closest locations.
  • Insights into your customers’ customers: age groups, income and consumer preferences.
  • Weather conditions such as sun hours per year, climate zone and FEMA based disaster risk.

Contextual data, providing risk for natural disasters. Distances for key locations – closest to each zip code – are automatically calculated.


Explore AI capabilities, powered by contextual data

Let’s say your team believes they are closing more Opportunities inside Metropolitan areas, with a really high population density. 

You can test out the theory by adding RealZips data points such as  ‘MSA Metro’ (your geofence) and ‘Population Density’ to all Won Opportunities. Next, run the Salesforce Einstein Prediction Service across the Opportunities and learn if the theory holds up.

Opportunity records enriched with contextual GeoData. Use MSA Metropolitan and Population to analyze Won Opportunities with AI technology. Let contextual data help you pinpoint predictive patterns for Open Opportunities to close.


Prepare for AI success

It’s possible to kick-start your team’s AI journey simply by adding RealZips contextual geographic data to your records in Salesforce in a matter of hours. Install the RealZips free trial from the AppExchange and launch your AI success journey.

Prepare for AI success by organizing all records by territories and geographic zones. Close more deals – by applying AI predictions – based on your own data and RealZips geographic data.


Learn about Salesforce Artificial Intelligence capabilities: AI for Sales and CRM

5 reasons to add RealZips to your Salesforce ORG

RealZips is a data-driven territory management app for Salesforce. RealZips automatically organizes and enriches global customer data records in Salesforce.

Use cases for RealZips range across all industries. The reasons for implementing RealZips are surprisingly similar across different organizations.

These are five common challenges that RealZips will address, enabling you to deliver a better Salesforce User Experience:

  1. Data Enrichment
  2. Territory Management
  3. Actionable Market Data
  4. Salesforce Automation
  5. Customer Focus

RealZips is designed to help your team save time and connect faster with customers.  Let’s have a look at how you can solve these 5 challenges by implementing RealZips:

1. Data Enrichment

Lack of data points across your Salesforce records cause endless problems and inefficiencies.

Marketing can not effectively segment leads or run marketing campaigns in best-fit geographic areas. Sales can not automatically assign prospects and customers to the right sales resource. Assignments of Cases are delayed, creating friction with your customers.

Accounts with automated data enrichment: MSA Metropolitan, Territory and City State.

The Zip code and Country fields on your Salesforce records are used to automatically relate endless data points from RealZips app.

For example, all customer records can instantly be enriched with data points such as city, county, state, MSA metro, time zone, sales team, closest store, and more.

Data enrichment unlocks new ways for marketing, sales and operations to better serve customers.

These are examples of what you will be able to do with RealZips:

  • Add time zones to all records in Salesforce, so your team can time mailers better and schedule outbound calls at the best possible moment.
  • Activate County and MSA Metropolitan data points, allowing you to automatically group prospects into manageable sub-territories. Your team can now run perfectly targeted marketing campaigns and sales activities.
  • Set up automatic Drive Zones around sales and service team members, organizing customers records by distance. Enable your teams to maximize time with customers.

2. Territory Management

It’s virtually impossible to provide your team with a scalable Territory Management solution, complete with interactive maps, dashboards, and integrated reports.

Account page with automated RealZips GeoData. Team assignment, based on business rules. Closest service locations displayed.

The standard Salesforce Enterprise Territory Management (ETM) does not support granular territory management on a Zip code level. Most organizations therefore struggle to manage smaller geographic territories, that divide states and cities. Overlapping territories is another major challenge, as territories are stacked on top of different sales teams, service teams and channel partners.

Home-grown workarounds for Territory Management quickly become confusing and impossible to manage. For example, sales teams must oftentimes use multiple dashboards, reports and links to mapping tools to understand the geographic assignment and ownership of customer records. Salesforce Admins are then forced to build a dizzying array of automation for owner assignment and Sharing Rules.

RealZips is designed to deliver a data-driven, reliable and scalable solution for Territory Management.

RealZips provides a platform for territory management, completely integrated with global customer data in Salesforce:

  • Out-of-box Territory Dashboards for immediate rollout
  • Territory assignment templates for instant territories
  • Management of overlapping territories across the world
  • Map components for any Salesforce page
  • Sales team management and ownership automation
  • Rules-based territory teams, displayed on Salesforce pages


RealZips Territory Dashboard with preconfigured reports and dynamic maps.

3. Actionable Market Data

Market data outside of Salesforce is very important, providing insights for strategic planning of marketing and sales teams. Stand-alone market data can range across demographics, consumer behavior, corporate data, regional incentives, local risk exposure and more. The problem is… it’s outside of Salesforce!

Zip-code based business and consumer data, ready to be blended with your customer data.

The day you start moving market data metrics into Salesforce – combined with existing customer data – is the day you’re creating a substantial competitive advantage for your team.

Market data provides a framework for where to engage in marketing campaigns and sales activities, once the data is in Salesforce. The RealZips app was designed to blend your own customer data with deep market data.

Samples of Zip codes based demographic datasets, available in the RealDatasets.com store. These datasets can rapidly be uploaded into RealZips and integrated with existing records in Salesforce:

RealZips automatically combines customer data and market data, ranking geographic areas and customers based on local market conditions. For example, all prospective customers can be flagged for local incentives, changes in real estate value, or demand for product and services.

Market data in Salesforce opens up endless possibilities to understand each customer’s local market conditions.

The RealZips app makes it easy to add actionable market data of any type to Salesforce. Here are a just a few examples:

The market data you choose to add, can immediately be added to existing customers records. Prospects and customers will automatically be ranked based on market conditions, distance to sales and service locations, and much more.

Market data in RealZips sets a framework for automating processes, and allowing your team to make instant decisions across territory design, marketing campaigns, and daily sales activities.

4. Salesforce Automation

Simple flow using RealZips GeoData: Flag Accounts around the world with “Today is a local Holiday”.

Trying to automate business processes in Salesforce with missing and incorrect data is a tremendous challenge.

Most attempts to automate processes will be limited to the quality of your existing data.

The Salesforce Cloud has fantastic capabilities when it comes to automation, especially when using Lightning Flows.

However – without useful data points to use in the automation process and logic – you can not make full use of Salesforce Automation capabilities.

RealZips takes your automation and Lightning Flows to new level :

  • Automate assignment of leads by combining territory information, geographic data and market data.
  • Configure flexible rules-based sharing of accounts, contacts, opportunities and cases.
  • Create assignment logic based on distance zones, applicable to stores, service locations, and sales team members.
  • Geographic markers such as County, MSA Metro, Territory and more can be used in your automation logic in virtually unlimited ways to speed up your teams’ workflows.


RealZips provides built-in features for lead routing and ownership assignment, used by large global organizations to keep massive amounts of records assigned to the right team members.

5. Customer Focus

The RealZips app and data was designed to empower your team to focus on the right customers, in the right places, at the right time.

How RealZips unlocks your team’s customer-first focus:

  • RealZips GeoData organizes your customer data into a geographic framework.
  • RealZips Territories makes it possible to roll out a powerful global assignment of internal resources.
  • Market Data provides local market conditions, used to drive marketing, sales and support activities.

Salesforce Automation enriched with RealZips makes it possible to build meaningful workflows that help your team focus on what matters most: Customers.

RealZips Closest relates Salesforce records by distance

Automatically relate Salesforce records by distance

RealZips Version 12 is now available on the Salesforce AppExchange! The latest version of the RealZips GeoData Platform comes with a new feature named RealZips Closest. This new feature makes it possible for you to automatically relate Salesforce records by distance!

RealZips Knowledge base: How to configure RealZips Closest

What does this mean for your team?

RealZips Closest allows you to calculate distance between key locations and Salesforce records.

By adding distance data to Salesforce, it’s possible to run operations more efficiently. It’s now possible to run highly targeted marketing campaigns, laser-focused sales activities and smooth field service operations!

RealZips Closest can assign leads automatically to the closest resource such as a sales representative, store or channel partner. This article outlines how to use RealZips Closest to improve logistics and create awesome Salesforce automations.

10 min explainer

Scrub timeline to jump across chapters:


Solve major challenges, relating Salesforce records by distance

Common challenges that RealZips Closest can fix

These challenges impact any team’s productivity on a daily basis. RealZips Closest makes possible to eliminate these problems.

1. Logistical challenges

To drive revenue growth, it’s crucial to enable your sales team to operate efficiently. It’s a matter of  setting your Salesforce organization in way that helps your team get to the right customer data immediately. By using RealZips Closest for automatic distance relationships across your customer data, you’re empowering your team to make instant decisions. For example, your team will be able to pinpoint all customers within a 5 mile zone from any service location!

RealZips makes it possible to minimize your logistical challenges, as soon as records in Salesforce are automatically related to the closest locations. For example, Leads and opportunities will automatically be related to the closest sales rep, store, service center or a corporate location.

2. Lead routing

We’re sure you’ve noticed how inefficient lead management or lead routing are substantial business challenges, making it harder to sign up new customers. RealZips Closest will allow you to automate and speed up lead management for your team. Thanks to this new feature, it’s extremely easy to automatically assign leads to for example the closest store.

Most companies do not have a strategy for leads and customers located far away from their locations. Before implementing RealZips – they simply assigned customers to a field-based territory – no matter how far away a sales rep, store or service locations might have been! This approach is unfortunately very costly and inefficient. With RealZips Closest, you will be able to solve the problem by automatically assigning customer records to “Out of Market” territories, allowing these customers to be served by efficient virtual teams!

3. Account ownership automation

The next challenge is account ownership. Reliable methods for account ownership automation is absolutely crucial for your team’s success. With theRealZips Closest feature, you can immediately assign prospects and customers to e.g. the closest sales development rep or account executive.

RealZips Closest works with existing zip code-based territories, giving you the best of both worlds. You can set up account ownership assignment to allow the best-fit account executive to engage with the right customer, based on industry, skills, customer stage, distance, and more:

Automatic Account team and Account Owner assignment in Salesforce managed by RealZips


4. Instant distance analytics

RealZips Closest makes it possible to immediately analyze records in Salesforce by distance to critical locations. Closest locations can be sales team members, service team members, store locations, partner offices or airports.

Customer records can be given an automatic “Serviceability Index”. For example, a “best-fit” customer location may need to have a salesperson within 50 miles and a service location within 25 miles.

Your entire customer database can be analyzed by these distance metrics, making it possible to discover geographic areas that your team will be able to serve best. On the flip side, areas that can not be serviced in a cost-efficient and timely manner will automatically be red-flagged.

Powerful use cases for RealZips Closest


Samples of Closest Distance configurations, available in RealZips for Salesforce.


Here is a list of popular use cases for RealZips Closest,
that you will be able to configure for your team:


  • Automated distance zones around service & sales representatives
    and stores.
  • Assign incoming leads to the nearest store, partner channel,
    or sales rep.
  • Send cases automatically to the nearest service technician or
    partner service provider.
  • Immediately review each lead within at a distance of 15 miles from
    an airport your team will travel to.
  • Divide the entire customer database by distance to the closest
    sales rep and meeting venue.
  • Run marketing campaigns based on distance zones from events
    and partner locations.

RealZips Closest:
What makes it possible to automatically relate salesforce records by distance?

After looking at these use cases as well as the challenges solved by RealZips Closest, you must be curious to see how this will work for your team.

RealZips Closest can be used to manage many distance relationships at the same time, making it possible to solve overlapping use cases. You can set up a number of different locations such as competitive outlets, field sales reps, own stores and more.

Here’s an example that will outline how you will be able to help you team succeed:

Relate distance data for 172 Apple stores automatically

Your Salesforce Administrator quickly relates all Zip codes with the closest Apple store. Instantly, your entire customer database in Salesforce  will be related to the nearest Apple Store!

Display “Closest” locations on each Salesforce record

You can show closest locations in many different ways on for example Leads and Accounts. In the example below, the Closest Apple Store to the Account record is displayed. Keep in mind, this relationship between the Account and the Closest Location opens up endless possibilities for automation in your Salesforce Org. For example, you can immediately assign the Account to the closest Sales Engineer!

Closest Locations, automatically displayed on Salesforce Account page, using the Salesforce Lightning experience.


By adding this type of distance data to your existing Salesforce customer data, you will open up fantastic possibilities for your team. RealZips Closest will enhance your own Salesforce data in completely new ways, allowing for connecting faster with customers and removing logistical challenges.

Standard Salesforce reports, showcasing accounts by distance

Reports and analytics in Salesforce is nothing short of fantastic. Now, you can take reporting to the next level by adding RealZips Distance Zones!

You can create unprecedented reports, allowing your team to to analyze the accounts by distance zones to the closest locations.

In the screenshot below, 60,000+ accounts are automatically associated with the closest Apple Store. Notice how the distance zones are highlighted in different colors:

Salesforce report showing 60,000 accounts related to the closest Apple Store. The Accounts are automatically divided by distance zones.


Actionable Salesforce reports

Empowered with  these distance zones, your team can approach their customers based on distance. Customers within a 10 mile distance can instantly be invited to the closest store. For customers 30 miles or further away from a store, the goal could be to give them a meaningful online shopping experience.

Here’s another example. Your team is co-hosting a pop-up event at the Union Square Apple store. The report below filters out existing customers within 5 miles of the location. Next, run a report on these contacts, add to a Campaign and invite your customers to the upcoming event:

Salesforce Accounts within 5 miles from a select Apple Store. Automatic calculation, using RealZips Closest feature.


Drive success for marketing, sales and service

Go ahead. Start relating your Salesforce records by distance!

By now, we believe you have many ideas on how RealZips Closest feature will empower your team to market, sell and service in completely new ways. Your team will be able to minimize downtime and focus on areas where they can best serve the most number of customers.

When your are ready to automate business workflows and drive success with RealZips, simply go ahead and Book a Demo with us.